Friday, February 12, 2010

The End of the World

In the third week of December 2007, while I was in prayer I had a strong sense of God speaking to me, telling me that I needed to speed up on things a little because time was running out on humankind. "I'm going to pour out my grace in great abundance for the next five years," he said. "So make the most of it."

"And after that, what, Lord?" I asked. "You're gonna pull the plug?"

There was no reply, except for a repetition of the same message again, that for the next five years he was going to pour his grace out like never before, but about what was going to happen after that nary a word. God can be pretty annoying with the way he communicates sometimes.

I shared this with a few people who were close to me, and after a lot of subsequent thought and prayer came to the conclusion that — assuming the message was legitimate — God was going to do his best to draw as many people as he could for the next five years after which he would, quite possibly, take a step back and let the pieces just fall where they would.

Fast forward to January last year. I got into a conversation with a neighbor who asked me if I had heard anything about the world coming to an end in December 2012. My first thought was that somebody had told him of the "message" I had received and was getting set to rag me about it, but then decided that he couldn't possibly have heard about it. None of my confidants had big mouths. I asked him what made him think the world was coming to an end. He grinned cryptically and asked me to Google it.

I went home and did as he suggested, my mouth dropping open at the number of links about December 2012 that popped up. It seemed that everybody from the Mayans and the Chinese to the New Agers and certain astronomers believed the world was going to end in that month! A few months later Roland Emmerich got into the act, releasing his extremely popular disaster film 2012 based on these beliefs, leading a lot of people who had seen the movie, especially youngsters, to ask me if the world was ending in two years. For some reason people think preachers have the answers to all questions. Some folks asked Jesus the same question too, but, unlike me, he does have the answers to all questions, so it's best we see what he says.

Jesus had been sitting on the Mount of Olives when his disciples approached him. "“Tell us,” they said, “what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3).

After a long sermon on the signs they could expect to see, Jesus said he couldn't tell them when he would return. "No one knows about that day or hour," he said, cautioning them to be alert, therefore, because when the day did come, he would come like a thief in the night (cf. Matthew 24:36, 42-44). He then went on to tell them three stories: one about a bunch of women who were invited to a wedding; another about a man who went on a journey leaving varying amounts of money with his servants; and the third about the sorting out of the righteous from the unrighteous after the return of a king. We'll look at all the stories, the first in some detail.

The Ten Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13)
“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’ “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’ “ ‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’ “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. “Later the others also came. ‘Sir! Sir!’ they said. ‘Open the door for us!’ “But he replied, ‘I tell you the truth, I don’t know you.’ “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

As with all the parables that Jesus told, this image is borrowed from the practices and customs of Jesus's times. Let's take a brief look at an Israelite wedding. In an Israelite wedding, the focus was not on the bride, as it is in our weddings. The focus was on the bridegroom.

When the time came for him to be married, he would leave his house, or his parents house, and make his way across town to the house in which all prospective brides waited. He would pick them all up and then make his way back to his house where the wedding celebrations would be held.

It could be pretty late when this happened, and night time in a first century Israelite village could get very dark. If you wanted to negotiate the darkness you needed a lamp, and you had to make sure that it stayed lit.

This is the setup for the story. And this is the story retold:
Ten women go with lamps to await the arrival of the bridegroom. Five of them are prepared with extra oil. Five of them however make no extra preparation. It is what makes them "foolish" for reasons we will soon discover. The bridegroom is delayed in his coming and, tiring of waiting for him, the women fall off to sleep. Suddenly at midnight the bridegroom’s arrival is announced. The women wake up and hastily trim their lamps. The ones without surplus oil realize that their lamps are running dry. They plead with the other women to share their oil, but the women refuse, saying there is not enough to go around. As the women without oil go out to try to find some, the bridegroom comes and takes those who are prepared with him to the wedding banquet. When the foolish women arrive much later, they are not allowed in. "I do not know you," the bridegroom says.
Next: So what does it all mean?


  1. Hi Anil, When the son of God, Christ Jesus hanging on the cross asked his father in agony a question, "Father, Father why have you forsaken me?" There was no answer. But history shows us what happend later. The father raised his name above all names in heaven and earth. Bro. Anil, who you think the Father Almighty is? He is Majesty. He never answers questions. Not even to his son. Then who you think you are? Answer this question to me after 2012.
    Your brother in Christ Jesus.

  2. Nobody, whomsoever, my dear brother. Just somebody who wishes at times (like everybody else) that he had more answers than questions. You're not entirely right about our Father not answering questions, though. He does, but like Jesus says, very often not to the wise and the learned, but to those who seek Him like little children (cf. Matthew 11:25). As for Jesus himself, He constantly went to the Father seeking His will. I am pretty certain that, with the exception of that time on the Cross, the Father answered Him. God bless.

  3. Dear Brother Aneel Arana;
    thank you very much for your interpretation of the ten virgins. i do fear GOD and i do believe that HE does speak to people. i have asked GOD to pour out HIS HOLY SPIRIT upon me.. and please pray in agreement with me that HE has or will do this. How i Want more and more of our LORD GOD/JESUS/THE HOLY SPIRIT.i belong to HIM and only HIM, and i surrender the best i can, myself and everything i have to HIM. i'm just a steward of what HE has given me. i pray for the gifts of THE HOLY SPIRIT, yet with that comes grave resposibility and i'm pretty badly disabled and home most of the time. how can i do the will of FATHER GOD in my position? i"m willing and i do need more and more of our LORD. do i need to be baptized in THE HOLY SPIRIT, or does God just do it when we ask? i'm so torn about this question, and yet i believe GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT lives in me and yes, that JESUS, i believe has spoken to me. HE is kind and says, "be patient and wait." So i keep waiting and looking for HIS comming in The Rapture, yet only FATHER GOD knows when that will be. i do try to love and i forgive everyone with GOD'S help. i cannot do anything by myself but only through the grace of our LORD. i do periodically ask for forgiveness and i repent of my sins. i'm not sure it is a one time thing, because i was baptized as an infant but i take that baptism very seriously in proclaiming JESUS as LORD and that HE shed HIS blood on the cross for me and many and that HE died, was buried, descended into hell, was Resurrected from the dead, and later ascended into heaven at right HAND of the FATHER. i think i understand why JESUS asked on the cross, "why hast thou forsaken me?" i believe it was the only time he was separated from FATHER GOD, and that is when he took on all of our sins. how terrifying that must have been for JESUS to be seperated from FATHER GOD so our sins would be put on HIMSELF. i cannot imagine that kind of pain. i do pray to go to Heaven and that even if my mansion is a broom closet, i'll gladly take it! how i want to be with GOD and all in HEAVEN and rejoice, fall down and praise HIS name. it is so hard for me physically to pray on my knees, so i mostly pray in the quiet of my bed.
    i also keep believing GOD has healed me and i wake up in the morning and can barely await that has been 14 yrs. now. please pray GOD writes me in HIS "Book of Life." sometimes i feel desperate for GOD, yet i know he is always with me. i know there is more of GOD, and i sincerely feel i need HIM. i want to serve GOD in any way HE chooses for me. thank you for your encouragement with the article. you are truly blessed by GOD. May your blessings increase. your sister in JESUS, Kathy []
